These are my familial F/O's! Familials are F/O's that I ship with outside of a romantic context!
This page tells you a little about my familials!
- Princess f/o
- Daughter-like
- Kind of stupid but I love her
- Associated with Crane Priestess and Crabku as her fake parents
- Also associated with Snow Mikus 2013 + 2023 as her other incarnations
- Racing f/o
- Daughter-like
- Associated with her mom, Racing Miku 2012, AKA Onishi
- Like, ten? Idk
- Vroom vroom.
- Cat f/o
- Pet
- Associated with Lyney, of course
- Means so much to me that I got an IRL cat and named it after him
- Do not fuck with me about Rosseland lore (Rosselore)
- Magician mentor f/o
- Father-like
- Also associated with Lyney
- I've only known Cesar for three days but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone and then myself
- I visit his grave to mourn him (I miss you so much Cesar)