🪄 My Beloved Sister, Lynette🪄

My twin sister, my other half, my companion for life and my beloved, Lynette. Never in my life have I known such a privilege comparable to being your twin. Without you, I am merely unwhole, missing my better half that has been by my side since we were brought into this world together. Though life has thrown us through countless turmoils since that day so long ago, I still adore you unconditionally and pray to the Archons every night that, if you know nothing else in this world, you know how much your big brother loves you. He loves you; he loves your cute little ears that twitch and wiggle when they pick up on sounds no one else can, he loves your chubby cheeks that he can squish and coo at as if you were the most precious thing in the world (because to him, you are), he loves your silly noises and how you "boop boop" and meow at the cats that call our house a home thanks to you, he loves your different modes and how you can doze off anywhere when you're recharging (including our practices...), and most of all, he loves you. No sort of earthly pleasure could ever compare to you, ma cherie. No amount of fame or mora will ever mean even a quarter as much as you do to me. Even if I was the most famous magician in all of Teyvat, renowned by everyone and bathing in riches... without you, I'd rather simply cease to exist than live such a lie. Je t'aime, Lynette.
"You want to talk to me? ...Then get to the point."
Lynette is everything to me. She's a "comfort character", but calling her that feels degrading, because she's not just that-- she's my sister. She's my rock that keeps me from being too stupid, she's my family that I'll lay my life down for without hesitation, and she's also the source of like 99% of my vocal stims currently (drinking game, take a shot every time I say "Rinetto", "Netto", "Neno", "Schmoobly/Schmooble/Schmoob", or "Bogglecat"-- you'll die of alcohol poisoning). I have a hoard of Lynette merchandise that I definitely overpaid for, but my favorite item is by far this stupid fucking bootleg plushie that looks like she's seen hell and walked back unscathed. Her name is Plushnette and she's an icon to most people I know due to how often I bring her up/around. Even my university knows about Plushnette. I fell for Lynette back when Genshin first released the region trailer and saw us together for a brief moment. Since then, I knew. I knew that, once 4.0 hit, I'd be inconsolable, and what do you know, the great magician was correct. The moment that secured it for me, though, was during the Archon Quest, specifically during our magic show at the Opera Epiclese before Cowell's death. As I saw my twin burst out of the magic box whilst pretending to be me, looking around the crowd in a facade of confusion, I fell, and I fell hard.

I am the most protective older brother ever. My baby sister (who is also my twin, but I'm older, shut up) is everything to me and I am the head of her fanclub. Anyone who dares to disrespect her in the slightest shall incur the wrath of a big brother willing to part the seas of Fontaine in order to please her. I do not accept Lynette dislikers here. If you dislike Lynette, take that up with an Archon, because if you don't, I fear your life may be in jeopardy. Okay, jokes aside, I just do not at all understand how anyone could dislike her. She's perfect. She's not a puppet, or a robot, or a replaceable assistant. She's my universe and I might not be kidding when I say Lynette dislikers will be escorted off of my property.
"Tea is ready, now it's time for a short rest."

Lynette uses Lumidouce Bells as her level-up material, which symbolize duality and companionship, much like our magical duo!
Lynette's namecard, which is the background of this webpage, is named a few things across languages, such as Earnestness, Integrity, Sincerity, and Seriousness!
The cat on a spring that she uses as her icon/image is named Bogglecat!
While my magician's clothing is called "Fantasticat", much like this webpage is, my sister's is named "Phantomeow"!
Lynette has a unique talent for breaking any and all technology she comes in contact with.
I love her!